Monday, March 24, 2014

Dynamite!! ;-)

Here is the post that I promised about my first Surrogate experience.

I decided that I wanted to be a Surrogate Mother after my daughter was in 2004. All my pregnancies were enjoyable and the childbirths were very quick even for epidurals. There was a couple in my church that had fertility problems. They were in our close circle of friends. They explored their options, including surrogacy. That was the first time I had heard about it. They ended up adopting two precious little girls, but that didnt stop me from contemplating becoming a Surrogate Mother. (Sidebar: There are 2 types of Surrogates: Gestational Surrogate, thats me-only carries the embryo, literally the nest for the embie....and the other is a Traditional Surrogate-she donates her eggs to use and then also becomes the nest for the lil embie) Over the years, it continued to stay in my mind. Finally towards the end of 2009, I signed up with an agency (tho never again will I work with that agency).

I was matched with a couple first, but that didnt work out, and by April of 2010 I was matched with my German Couple: T and T. The wife looked so much like me since we both have German background, and we bonded instantly. We emailed everyday, they were so interested in me and my children. They were so caring and thoughtful and loving. By the end of July we had completed everything including screening, bloodwork, psychological meeting, and even contracts signed. And Mid-August was our transfer. The transfer actually would have been even sooner,but T had a problem with her eggs.

Ok let me back up a little bit. After the contracts were signed, T and T arrived here in the US for her egg retrieval. However, after arriving and being checked out by the fertility doctor, we all realized that the hormone medication that she was taking in Germany was a lower dosage. Her eggs were supposed to have grown and multiplied by that time but they didnt. The fertility doctor in Thousand Oaks was so sweet towards T. He upped her meds and did the best he could with the limited time available....T and T were only here for a short time due to visiting visas. The last day possible, the doctor was able to retrieve only 2 eggs. After fertilization, there was only 1 grade A embryo. That was implanted into my uterus via IVF Mid-August and I was pregnant. 
 Of course, thats putting things simply. there was alot more stress and worries. Anyways, even though they live in Germany, they became my 2nd family. The IM (Intended Mother) became like a sister or Auntie to me. We emailed every day. I video taped every doctor appt for them. And as my due date grew closer, my IPs and also my own mother planned their trip out to California to be with me to support me as my 1st Surrogacy Journey was coming to an end. My mom flew here along with my lil sister and my niece. We had a full house for Easter 2011!

T and T came with me to my regularly scheduled doctor check up at almost 39 weeks pregnant. My blood pressure was a little high and there was protein in my urine. The doctor sent me right over to the hospital where they admitted me to keep an eye on my BP. 2 days later, when I was 39 weeks pregnant, they decided to induce me. They broke my water, and Baby N was born quickly after. He was so cute and small, he looked like a little old man, lol.  The IM was taking natural medications to sort of trick her body into thinking it had given birth so that her body would start naturally producing milk. In the meantime, I pumped and she fed lil N the breastmilk. A few days later, she started producing milk. I continued to pump until the left for Germany a few weeks later. I still receive emails and updates now and again.
But theres my TNT story ;-) Dynamite!!