Saturday, June 16, 2018

Lupron and Luncheon

I am so excited to say: I finally started my meds!!

The drs office sent a box of all my medications thru FedEx and I picked them up on Friday!
I came home and checked if everything was inside. There was a master checklist in the box, so that was easy. No problems.
Saturday morning I took my first Lupron shot in the stomach easy peasy. Its a very short and thin needle that just into basically your belly fat. For more injection instructions, feel free to refer back to my post on April 24, 2014:

Another instructional video:

I also started the Baby Aspirin. Im not going to lie, Im still feeling a bit nervous about taking that but I have also read about it helping prevent miscarriages. Science never fails to impress me! So, Im jumping on the band wagon and starting the Baby Aspirin regimen of 81mg a day. Now the hard part is making sure I wake up consistantly before 10am to take the Lupron and Aspirin. Im used to taking meds at night. But if thats what it takes, than so be it! Besides, sleeping in sucks.....said no one EVER!!! hahaha

I also had my first Surrogacy group therapy session today at my agency's office. We have these group sessions once a month and I love and truly appreciate them. Driving to Pasadena is simple on Saturday mornings, its the driving home part that sucks. A 40 minute drive there can easily turn into a 2 1/2 hour drive back (or even 3 hours if theres a bad accident). But these ladies always make it so worth it! They even turn it into a luncheon so we can stay and hang out and chitchat with each other afterwards, if we want.

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