Monday, June 11, 2018

My Personal Bedrest Regimen

Since theres nothing much going on this week, I decided to throw in an extra blog entry today. I thought I would talk a little today about my own personal bedrest routine.
Now most doctors will tell you to stay in bed the rest of the day, after the IVF procedure. Many say you can even return to work the following day, as long as you take it easy. Heres the thing. I personally cannot follow that guideline. The way I look at is this. So much money, time, and effort has gone into preparing for this IVF step. I need to do everything I possibly can to ensure that I tried as much as I could.

For example, if I were to go thru weeks of medications, including sticking myself with needles, along with going to all the doctor appointments and my IPs spent plenty of money for that transfer. Only to
have me go back to work after a day or two of rest. How am I going to feel, what am I going to think if the transfer doesnt result in a pregnancy? BUT if I stay resting for as long as I can (even if its only for 3 or 4 days after transfer) if the transfer doesnt stick, then I dont think I would be so hard on myself. Of course thats just me.

I completely understand that many surrogates are not able to just stay in bed for 2 weeks. I would never suggest you sacrifice caring for your own family members. However, I would highly suggest that its in your contract for someone to accompany you for the day of the transfer and 2 day after. Use this time away from work and the littles to 100% stay laying down in bed. Just rest and thing sticky thoughts.
Actually everytime any sort of worry or negative vibe comes my way, I try to focus on this:

A shriveled up balloon (the uterus), with peanut butter smeared all over the insides (the uterine lining), and then a small pea (the embryo). It helps when I have a visual ;-)

So IF you are able to stay in bed, try to do it for as long as you are capable of.

My personal regime is this: Day 1 is Transfer Day.
Shower right before the transfer time on Day 1. Day 1-3 complete bedrest, except to use the restroom.
Day 3-shower at night.
Day 4-7 bedrest, laying down but can use the bathroom and shower slowly and carefully, no sudden movements.
Day 8-10 (or until 2nd Beta bloodwork results)  Rest in bed, but can be propped up. Leaning back on the sofa with feet up is okay during the day.

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