Thursday, June 7, 2018

Medication Calendar

Friday, I received my Medication Calendar from the Doctor's office. I was so excited when I received the email! Then the week went by like a rollercoaster, up, down, up.

The moment I seen that email in my Inbox, I became anxious to check when their projected transfer date would be. The plan is to have one of my sisters fly out here to be with me and help, since my husband doesnt have any days off from work right now. Even though I had just seen two of them a month ago, it feels like forever ago. Well when I opened the attachment and briefly looked over it, my heart sank. The anticipated date is towards the end of July. That just seems so far away, especially since my past journeys, I had only taken 2-3 weeks worth of medication. I had expected the date to have been the end of June.

Over the weekend, I took time to actually review the regimen and became a bit confused and concerned. For one, it says I am to start taking baby aspirin. Ive never taken that before and of course the first thing that comes to mind is to prevent a heart attack. I became worried that maybe they saw something in my bloodwork that caused them alarm. The second issue is that they would like me to take a hormone called Lupron for an extended time frame. Well to my recollection, I hadnt taken this type of medication regimen before.

Monday, I spoke with my agency coordinator and she suggested I email the nurses about my concerns and also mention past medications working perfectly for my body. And so I did. The nurse was nice and explained that the baby aspirin is given to all the patients of this physician. It is used as an anticoagulant and helps prevent miscarriages. I had never heard of this before, so of course I Googled
it and yeah, it seems like many doctors use this in aiding the IVF process. We also spoke about the extended Lupron schedule. She explained to me that this was simply the protocol that my doctor uses for most of his surrogates. And so it shall be.

I decided to go through alllll my emails and hunt down each of my medication schedules, which in the end proved to be such a hard task. It took quite a few hours, but in the end I finally found one where I was on an extended Lupron regimen. Its not exact but it is similar and it was one that resulted in a healthy baby (my 2nd surro).

So I am back to feeling optimistic; if it worked once before, itll work again. My husband reminds me that the doctors actually know what they are doing. I guess sometimes I forget that even though Ive done this a few times, the doctor has actually done this many, many times. And maybe, just maybe he actually knows a bit more about it than I do. [Insert face palm here].  I am also hopeful that my sister's request off from work will be approved, which is another difficult hurdle to overcome, since the transfer date is just an anticipated one.

I am to start Lupron injections June 16th and the nurse said they will mail the medications to me.

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