Tuesday, August 28, 2018

1st Ultrasound!

 You are all probably on edge waiting to find out the results! So without further adoo!!

My ultrasound revealed not only one, but 2 beautifully perfect heartbeats!!
Calculating from the transfer date, I was 6 weeks and 4 days, and both babies measured exactly that! They had identical heartbeat rates as well, 131! So beautiful!!

Everything looked great!! No reason for the bleeding the day before. I asked if there were any SCHs (Sub-Chorionic Hemotoma) and nope! I had that with Surro number 3, Baby E. A month after my transfer with her, on my birthday no less, I started bleeding sooo incredibly much. Which later I found out was an SCH. Nothing really to do about it other than dont run around too much or to vigorously. It was explained to me that it happens quite a bit with IVF. the doctor places the embryo and it starts to implant and then basically changes its mind, and moves to another location in the uterus and reimplants there. At the location of the first placement, a type of bruise is created.

 But lucky for me, that wasnt the case this time!! Literally everything looked perfect!

I also asked the technician to double check, please, to be sure that there wasnt another hiding in there. The thought of one of those embryos splitting into identical twins (which in turn would have created triplets) made me crazy nervous. And with my HCG numbers being intensely high, I was nervous of just that. But she said Rest assure....There are only 2! hahahaha hearing that made me laugh a bit 😆ONLY 2 😆

I had another blood test on August 23rd, which was just to keep an eye on the Progesterone and Estrogen levels, and then another ultrasound on August 30th. I will be 8 weeks and 5 days by then, so hopefully everything will look good and thats what they both will measure as.
**By the way, thankfully, I havent had any issues with cramps or more bleeding 😍

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