Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Nausea, Dizzyness, and Constipation

Basically, welcome to having twins!

For a couple of weeks now, Ive been dealing with it all! Dizzyness when sitting or standing up, pure exhaustion as if I just ran a mile, not being able to go for 4-5 days which I believe adds to the all-day-yet-totally-random nausea.

So lets tackle one issue at a time! Constipation. I had been cleared after my ultrasound to start yoga again, so Im truly hoping that will help move my bowels, along with my dr approved Colace twice a day. I drink a smoothie every day that has fruit, spinach and flax seed in it. I also eat a small bowl of papaya, which I heard helps move things along. I just watched a couple youtube videos on massage techniques to help stimulate the intestines. I am also starting a calendar for when I go, so that its easier to monitor.

Whats next? Well I think we should go right into the nausea. It started out one day with smells. ughh it was awful. Than after a couple days, just the thought of certain foods made me feel sick. Indigestion aka burping would rattle my stomach and make me feel queazy too. I was affraid thats what the next few weeks, if not months, were going to look like. However, once I started the Colace and went to the restroom a few times within 24 hours, I felt so much better. So current situation is just random nausea, especially when I burp. The feeling disappears within a minute or two and I would guess it happens maybe once or twice throughout each day.

Dizzyness. Well theres nothing much to do about it other than sit up and stand up sloooooowly. The doctor checked my Iron levels and they are perfectly fine, thanks to the prenatals.

Now what am I doing in regards to having twins? Nothing too much different than I normally would be doing when in early pregnancy. Taking naps when my body wants me too is a big one. The other morning, my husband and I were watching a program and I totally fell asleep right in the middle of it without even realizing it! 😂😂 I take prenatal pills and drink lots of water. Actually I have a sports water bottle from my Baby Sister with THE cutest flamingos on it. I measured how much water it holds and calculated that I need to drink 3 of them each day, so thats my daily goal.
I am not a big meat eater so I have added one Special K protein shake a day which adds 15g of protein. Im thinking to find a cereal that has a good amount of protein and maybe fiber so that I can eat a bowl in the mornings and as a bedtime snack. We also picked up some different trail mixes for me to snack on. The whole "eat a bunch of mini meals each day" definitely seems to be helping to keep my stomach settled.


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