Monday, August 27, 2018


So where did I leave you hangin....?? ahhhh yesss! POAS! Monday, Day 4 after transfer...aka 4dp5dt, which stands for 4 days past 5 day transfer. I had a couple pregnancy tests from Dollar Tree. The first one I took was sensitive to 20 miu/ml of HCG. and it came out POSITIVE!!!! YES!! There was a very faint line!! Woohooo!!! Thursday I took the other one and it was darker and easily visible.
A small concern came on the 9th day in the bathroom. Light pink spots were on the toilet paper. Just from implanting, I told myself, as I took my third and final test Sunday morning. It was sensitive to 25 miu/ml and the 2nd line was just as dark as the first line! That gave me enough comfort to hold me over until Tuesday.

Blood test totally confirmed pregnant on July 31st! At first I had thought the 2ww (two week wait) was THE longest everrr!! BOY WAS I WRONG!!  Why would I say that? Well, later that day I received my actual HCG numbers and at first, I thought nothing of it....until after August 2nd when I had my 2nd beta test. After that....all I did was research and talk to others.

Okay, okay, whyyyy? Ill tell you why!!! My first beta, at 12dp5dt, was 2,482! My second beta, at 14dp5dt, was 5,567!! Now, maybe you ask what does that mean?? Let me break it down for you. when an embryo starts to implant into the uterus, it begins to create the HCG hormone. In the very beginning, the HCG amount doubles around every 48 hours. So first thing is first. The reason to have the 2nd blood drawn 2 days later is to be sure the number is doubling, which it did, so GREAT!!

My surprise is actually at how incredibly high the numbers were!! When I started looking online to compare my numbers.....SIDENOTE: You cannot really do this because HCG charts are actually a range and sometimes numbers can be extraordinarily low, while others can be extraordinarily high....Anyways, I honestly couldnt find ANYONE with anything close to my numbers.

So naturally I began looking into HCG numbers for those who had twins. I even spoke to a fellow surrogate who is currently pregnant with Twins! Her beta test was done a day prior to mine, at 11dp5dt and her number was 657.  Everytime, I found someone posting: OMG! My numbers are so high! (and their number would be between 500-700 on the 12th day) and everyone would comment back to them: Ohhhh my goodness! Wow! you MUST be having twins!!!! and Im just sitting back with a 2,400, hmmmm well then what am I having?!?!

 My ultrasound wasnt set until August 16th. So I waited and waited and waited. I also had bloodwork on August 9th which was 21dp5dt - 67,941. Doubling usually begins to slow down after about 5000, and I read that the heart starts fluttering around the 10,000 mark, usually during week 5. After the 6 week mark, the heart will have a steady beat that the doctors are able to actually see and calculate.

Tuesday, August 14th, I woke up to a pantiliner soaked with a bit of red but mostly brown blood. I immediately let me agency coordinator and my doctors office know. They said not to worry, its probably nothing, and that its quite common. They rescheduled my ultrasound for the 15th, which could not come soon enough!!

And just like I had to wait, so shall you 😉patience is a virtue, they say😉 I will post my Ultrasound results tomorrow🤞

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