Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Before I begin this post, I want to extend my gratitude to my little son, T. He went on his Minecraft game and designed the rollarcoaster background for my blog.....Thank you buddy!! <3 ;-)

Now for all you readers wondering how my skype call went with this new couple......it went GREAT!!! I am so excited!! We are officially matched and they are sooo happy to work with me!! They have a son, 17 years old from a previous marriage and are wanted a child together. The greatest news is that they are local!! They will be able to accompany me to all my doctor appointments! This is exactly what I was praying for!

Within an hour of us hanging up, I received a phone call from the agency to ask for an official yes from me....my answer was, yeahhhhh of course!! :-)  The agency told me to expect a phone call from the fertility doctor that the couple is working with.
About an hour after that, the fertility clinic called me to schedule my screening appointment. I will have blood drawn, give a urine sample, and an SIS done...more on that later...also I normally would have needed to have a pap smear done, but luckily for me I had it done in January with my yearly physical ;-) hahahaha

So, my appointment for all this, is this coming Thursday at 11am!! She said to expect the appointment to last 2-2 1/2 hours. And I am to bring my pap smear record from January with me so I wont need it done again.  There is more good news! This is a fertility clinic that specializes in a more natural approach....which means no extra unnecessary medication. I am not sure how much medication I will need to be taking but the nurse that I spoke with reassured me that this time is going to be very different than my last time.  (FYI: The last Surro-Journey was with a different doctor/clinic and also a different agency)  That is great news for my body....and maybe that will mean no injections...lol not sure tho.

I received an email confirmation from the clinic, along with documents that are to be printed, completed, and signed. I also received another email, but from the agency with other documents that are also to be printed, completed, and signed. So since I have no printer, this evening me and my daughter headed for the library.

I printed all the pages which equaled to be almost 70 papers!!! L was able to get a book to read and another one to draw characters. We love the library :-) So, tomorrow will be spent reading, writing, and signing. :-/

Okay a little more info about the SIS...Saline Infusion Sonogram. With my first surrogacy, I didnt need to have this done. Each doctor makes this decision. I dont know too much info about it yet, although I will be asking Google allllll about it tomorrow, lol. The only thing I know is that they put a little saline water into your uterus and use a trans-vaginal ultrasound machine to look more closely at the uterus lining for scar tissue, fibroids or any other abnormalities. They want to make sure I have a normal uterine cavity. I had been advised to take an ibuprofen about 1 hour prior to my appointment, to help with any cramping or discomfort. I will be driving myself to the clinic and home thru traffic, so I will definitely take the pain medicine.

Speaking of traffic, I dont anticipate too much traffic going there, however to come home is probably going to be another story. Google maps says the fertility clinic is 32 miles away with 2 toll roads. Thats not bad, but that means I will be in the afternoon traffic to come home.

Thats about everything. Tomorrow I should buy a new pack of pens just to get thru all the paperwork. I cant believe there are almost 70 papers that need to be filled out....soooo not looking forward to that.....but its important and has to be done.


  1. I can totally relate to "soooo not looking forward to that.....but its important and has to be done." What a wonderful match though! :)

  2. So far so good! The paperworks suck, but if you go thru them one at a time, its not as overwhelming as looking at the pile as a whole, lol.
