Thursday, March 27, 2014


I had my screening appointment with the fertility doctor today. It went very smooth. They said to anticipate this appointment to be about 2-2 1/2 hours long. My appointment was at 11am, and I was outta there by 12:25. yaaay

I arrived there 20 minutes early. I checked in and gave them stack of 40 pages that I had filled out yesterday (the other 30 were for the agency). She made a copy of my DL, and told me to have a seat and theyll be with me in a little bit.

I was in the waiting room for only 15 minutes and got called back to get my blood drawn (6 vials!) and to give a urine sample. After that, I was taken to the ultrasound room. I was told to undress from the waist down, and as opposed to what happened to other Surrogates, I was allowed to keep my socks on. First was a trans-vaginal ultrasound-done by an ultrasound tech, to check my uterus. Then I waited 10 min for the doctor to come in to do the SIS (my last post had a description of what exactly that entailed). It was pretty easy, I felt a little discomfort but not much. I had forgotten about taking the pain medication, luckily it wasnt needed. That was completed in less than 10 minutes. The doctor had a great sense of humor! He said, congrats, you passed the uterus test lol. I got dressed and was directed to wait in the waiting room. Stayed there for only 5 minutes and was called back to speak with the doctor. He went over my paperwork with me, we spoke about my previous pregnancies, he talked with me about the risks of IVF and he also asked if I have met with the Intended Parents yet. Proudly, I have-remember, skype ;-) After we were done speaking, I went to the waiting room for 5 minutes while they checked to make sure everything was completed. It was, and I was able to leave.

Easy, Peasy, Lemon Squeezie

Because the appointment was quicker than I thought, there was no traffic....perfect!!

I am now starting the contract phase. We are all trying to work together as quickly as possible on this. Luckily, the IP's and I agree so far on everything. The agency has really done a great job with this match! The agency pretty much already had my basic requests and preferences, so there shouldnt be any hiccups in this stage.....God willing <3

The doctor had mentioned that the couple is hoping to do a transfer in April!!!! The way I understand it, right now I am on week 2 of my Birth Control Pills (BCPs). My 4th week is the week of my period, and because this is going to be a natural IVF transfer, I will not take any pills after that. I will go in for monitoring every couple of days-possibly every day, so the doctor can keep an eye on the thickening of the lining of my uterus. When the doctor is satisfied with the thickness, then we will have the transfer!! So, they said to expect the transfer to be done mid-April!! That is so exciting to me because my son, T's birthday is April 18th!! I told him he is my good luck charm!! My IP's really want their child to be born in the Chinese year of the horse and T was born in the year of the horse!! How coincidental and exciting!!


  1. So interesting to read along - I'm excited for all of you! :)

  2. yay!!! i'm so glad everything is going as planned and very quickly!

  3. awwe thanks Dee! I love reading other Surro-stories! Its amazing how we all travel down the same general path, yet our stories end up soooo different :-)

    Thank you Brenda!! I know, it is happening very quickly....that seems to be the motto tho of surrogacy, lol, Hurry up...and wait hahahaha because now, I am back to waiting. ;-)
