Thursday, April 3, 2014


So, here is my update: Nothing to update on :-/

Not much has happened this past week. I feel like there has been no progress, no steps forward, just standing still. I spoke with my agency today. She said they have everything they need and they are just waiting for my boyfriend's background check to be completed. Then we can complete our contracts. :-( She also mentioned that they arent sure yet if a mid April transfer is going to be possible.....waaaaahhhh!!  I am a bit concerned with what my IPs have to say about this. I emailed my agency back asking about my IPs thoughts. I also asked if I am going to be having any more skype calls with them, or at least their email address. I havent heard back about this yet, although it was a bit late in the afternoon.

So, back to the waiting game.

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