Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cycle # 2, Monitoring Appt #1

Heres the update!!

My IPs arrived yesterday!! Hooray!!  My Intended Mother has already started her cycle of medication to do another egg retrieval. Many, many prayers are needed for a great batch of eggs!!

They are starting me on monitoring appointments. HOWEVER, I was given a strong forewarning! Our goal will be to transfer 2 fresh embryos around the end of this month-May. IF the eggs dont turn out so strong, or IF the embryos do not grow well, THEN the Embryo Transfer will be canceled for this month, and I will once again stop all medication and be back to playing The Waiting Game :-/ So, we need all the prayers we can get for my sweet IM and her precious little eggies!!
Lots of love and prayers needed!
Yesterday was my 1st Monitoring Appointment for Cycle # 2. This is NOT to be confused with CD3 (Cycle Day 3) theres a difference. Cycle # 2 means this is our 2nd try for a successful embryo transfer. CD3 means this is my 3rd day of my menstruation cycle. 

They drew my blood, I met once again with the lovely Mr. Weenie Wand for my ultrasound, and they gave me refills on all the medications that I am running low on.
Last night, the Drs office emailed me with my blood and ultrasound results. The email said everything looks great and for right now, there is no need to start any medications. Now, on one hand I believe that is a good thing. I mean it is, because I dont have to be putting extra medications into my body.
BUT, I have to wonder.....

Why did I have to start on the Estrace pills last cycle on CD3, But not this time??  I am not sure, but for some reason or another, the Doctor feels like my body does not need the extra estrogen right now. And I should probably keep in mind that this clinic is after all, one that prefers to do an As-Natural-As-Possible IVF Cycle.

My next appointment is on Friday. That will be CD6 (Cycle Day 6). Last month, I was taking only Estrace pills until CD11, which is when I needed to do the Lupron and hCG shots.

So for now, I am just going to enjoy my reprieve from all medications and let my body do what it naturally does: prepare for a pregnancy :-) Join me in thinking positive, keeping high hopes and praying for very beautiful and amazing things to happen this Cycle!!!

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