Thursday, May 17, 2018

Beginning of Surro Journey #4

Lets pick up where we last left off. 3 different journeys complete with 3 different agencies.
I adored my 3rd agency so much that I decided to stick with them for my 4th journey. I had received so much support from them, how could I not?! I was matched right away with a sweet, single Intended Father (IF).  

I should just add in here that this was THE longest process from being matched until contracts, that Ive experienced! End of July thru beginning of March!! Lots of hiccups lol 

Hiccup #1: Originally we had a meeting set for July 26th 2017. This needed to be rescheduled because SURPRISE the IF is flying to another state to be with his surrogate, who is due to deliver soon. Wait, What?! Later it was disclosed that the IF actually would like a large family and has a pregnant surrogate (not with my agency) and would also like another surrogate after me.  So the meeting was rescheduled to August 11th, which included myself, my agency coordinator, the IF and his young adult son, along with his consultant. After this meeting we had agreed that we were a perfect match!! 

Hiccup #2: The Egg Donor did not pass her medical screening. My agency wanted me and my husband to talk it over and decide if we wanted to wait or move on to look about matching with someone else. Time would be needed for him to connect with another donor, and of course for her to go through her process (2 months minimum). My husband and I agreed that we were willing to wait it out and stay matched. In the meantime, wmoved forward with other aspects of the journey such as my psych eval and mini-test and medical clearance. The psych evaluation and mini test went smooth, however…. 

Hiccup #3: The clearance couldn’t be scheduled until I was on my period which unfortunately had just finished. I had to wait until September 29th for my appointment which included paperwork, fluid ultrasound and Pap Smear, urine sample and of course bloodwork. Hubby had to give blood too, however, his amount of vials were less than mine....not fair!!  

4th Hiccup: My Pap came back abnormal! The Horror!! Never in my life had I been so nervous! This was October 16th I immediately called my OB and let him know. Since the pap was performed by the IVF physician, I had to get a paper from them. They were also requesting a colposcopy, which I later found out that many OBGYNs will actually make a person wait 6 months to repeat the pap and then move onto performing a colposcopy. Luckily my OB understood the time sensitivity of the situation and was able to schedule me for an appt November 2nd. I had to wait another week for the results, which Thank You God!! Came back perfectly normal!  

So now its November 14th and I am officially Medically Cleared and ready to move on to contracts!!!  

5th Hiccup: My IF goes on a sabbatical until the middle of December, according to his consultant. We were shocked and a bit confused but went with it. Except that turned into the middle of January. After the new year came, and we had not yet received a definite date of return, we decided to terminate the match.  
The agency had presented me with profiles of potential couples, but things fell thru for one reason or another. My mind kept coming back to my original IF. After a little over a month, mid February, my agency coordinator and I spoke about him. He was back in communication and ready to move forward with a journey and was still not matched with another surrogate! I took this as a sign and asked for my coordinator to set up a meeting with him. He was more than open to meeting using video chat! That was set up for Feb 21st 
We had also set up a meeting with his son, since he was in the states, which was the first week of March, 2018.
 It then became official! We were re-matched and ready to move forward to contracts!  

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