Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Legal Waiting Game, Part 1

Time to enter the beginning of the Legal Waiting Game!

I had to sign a legal retainer for my attorney on March 8th, but other than that, the whole month of March passed with nothing much new.  My coordinator had assured me on the 27th that the IF was going back and forth with the first draft of the contract with his attorney, so for me it was The Waiting Game again. 

Finally on April 4th, I received a call from my attorney saying that the first draft will be coming my way and a phone consultation will need to be scheduled to review it together. We set the appointment for April 11th at 1130am. During those 7 days, I read through the contract, little at a time, comparing it to my Surrogate Benefit Package (SBP) and my previous Contract from my 3rd journey. The SBP was set up and created with the agency when I first signed back up with them in July 2017. It has all of the financial information. It is one of the things used by the agency to create a perfect match between Potential Parents and Surrogates. 


I flagged any irregularities or things that I didn’t quite understand. Anyone going through this phase, I
suggest you do the same. Read through it page by page and mark anything you dont understand or disagree with, with a postit. Write notes as well. I always have a notebook dedicated to my surrogacy journey. 

My phone call lasted 2 ½ hours. We hung up at 2 and before 3, I had received an email from my attorney with the changes highlighted in Red. I was asked to review them to ensure it covered everything that needed to be adjusted or added. I returned her email letting her know that the contract looked perfect, to which she responded that she will let my IFs attorney know and contact me when she hears back from him.  

The best thing in all of this is that it was the same attorney, so she totally remembered me…or maybe I have a file with her office hahahaha 

So now, again with The Waiting Game :-)  

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