Friday, May 11, 2018

Lets Play Catchup!

Wow! A LOT has happened since I stopped blogging!  

So I think its safe to say that I adore being pregnant! My body cooperates so well!

I have 3 of my own children and I have now helped 3 couples grow their families! I am currently matched for my 4th and most likely final Surrogacy Journey! However, only God knows, because Ive literally said that every time!

Each journey might have the same general milestones, but just as how no two children are alike, the same goes for surrogacies! If you have read my past blogs, to help catch you up, here is a brief overview of what the past couple years have looked like for me. I will go into detail for each of my journeys in another post ;-)

After going through those 2 failed “Natural” attempts, I spoke with my IPs and expressed to them how sad and upset I felt. I was sure it had something to do with the natural approach. We decided that it would be best for them to switch to a more conventional IVF facility. They switched to a physician in Pasadena and everything had started moving forward, except due to visa issues, things were put on hold for a couple months.
Eventually things were sorted out, and the IM had her Egg retrievals and the Dr advised them to have PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) testing done on the embryos (there were 2). They did and found out one was not very healthy.

The physician transferred the 1 healthy embryo right before Christmas 2014. Baby S was born in August 2015, beautiful and healthy. More details on this in another post, but the gist of it all is that my blood pressure spiked at my 38 week checkup so I was sent to the hospital to be induced due to pre-eclampsia. No complications except that the IPs left the hospital, never to be heard from again. :-(

I was devastated so to help me feel better, I had decided to pump milk for 3 very-special-to-my-heart donor babies for a few months. We are still in contact, they will forever be my MilkBabies <3 <3 <3

After weaning, I had decided that since I had 3 of my own children, Id love to be able to help 3 families. When speaking with my then agency, I had learned that since I had 2 surro pregnancies ending with Pre-Eclampsia (even though both happened at 38 weeks), they couldn’t approve me to work with them.

I considered and was looking into doing an independent surrogacy (without an agency). There are so many lovely couples out there longing to complete a family, who cant afford the extra cost of signing with an agency. However, I quickly discovered working without an agency is not the right path for me. After speaking with my current agency a few times, I was convinced this was the right one for me!!

I signed with them early 2016, matched and got everything in order for a June 1st transfer with (get this!!!) the same IVF Physician as my last transfer!!! My IPs are as amazing and wonderful as you could ever imagine!! With a minor hiccup of having an SCH (SubChorionic Hemorrhage) causing me to be in the hospital on my birthday (July1st), the pregnancy and bonding with my IPs was smooth sailing!
Baby E was even born on her exact due date in February!!! With no Pre-Eclampsia issues at all!!! Also, my sister and I were pregnant at the same time so that was an amazing experience to share with her!

My niece was born exactly 1 week before Baby E! My sister lives 3000 miles away and my SurroBabe lives out of the country but even after a year, I still receive updates with photos and videos of both baby girls! I felt so blessed that after speaking with my husband, we decided since Im perfectly healthy and my pregnancy with Baby E went swimmingly, we would like to help someone else grow their family.
In July, we spoke with my agency about our thoughts and that we would love to sign with them again in hopes of being matched. They said they would love to have me and felt confident in finding a perfect match! Im going to stop here because this is where my current journey begins, which will be in a new post. 😊

Thoughts and Questions are always welcome!!

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