Monday, April 7, 2014

Hurry up!!! Then

So, as every experienced Surrogate knows, the mantra is Hurry up, and wait!

Last week there seemed to be no progress, I was starting to feel forgotten. But then, Saturday (April 5th), I received not one but TWO emails!!  One was from a psychologist. She wanted to schedule a 40 minute phone call and also she sent me a link to take an online psych assessment test (more on that later).  The other email was from the fertility clinic.

 I was told to notify them when I start my cycle (get my period), which will be any day now. She mentioned that the IPs (Intended Parents) are working on the contract-which I have yet to see-and they are still aiming for a mid-April transfer!!! YAAAYYYY!! When I read this, I was sooooo excited! So, if we can hurry up and sign those buggers, we can have a transfer in the next couple of weeks!!! Otherwise, we will have to wait until May. This will be okay, its just cutting the timeline verrrrry close. My IPs realllllly want their baby to be born within the Year of the the timing of the transfer is super important. The year of the horse ends mid-February 2015. With the help of an online IVF transfer calculator, I figured the transfer would need to be done by end of May, to have a due date of mid-Feb. So, a May transfer is possible, its just very close to the ending of our timeline goal.

Now back to the email from the psychologist. She set our phone call for Wednesday (April 9) at 10am. I decided to take the online psych assessment test this morning. It consisted of about 350 crazy and some silly questions. It took me about an hour to complete. I emailed the psychologist to let her know I completed it. Within 20 minutes she called me saying she had a cancellation and was hoping I was available to do the phone consult right now! Of course I was!! :-) We talked about my family members: mom, dad, siblings; my children, boyfriend, ex-husband; and of course my pregnancies, childbirth, and my last surrogacy journey. Our phone call was wrapped up with a nice little bow in about 25 minutes with her saying she is happy and proud of me for helping another couple with their fertility struggles and wished us luck with our journey together.

Now that the Psychological part is done, Im back to waiting again ;-)  Im not quite sure what is taking so long with the contracts, because like I said, I still havent even seen a rough draft. I plan to email my agency again to ask about communication with my IPs. I would love it if we could email each other, and maybe schedule a dinner together before we have the transfer. They live about 1 1/2 hours away from me, so it would be nice if we could all meet each other in person.

:-) :-) :-) Just as I was about to publish this, I received an email. FROM AN ATTORNEY!! Hooray!! Its a legal retainer that I need to sign and fax back with a copy of my driver's license. It says after they receive my fax, and the contract from the IPs attorney, they will email the contract to me and schedule a phone consultation to go over the contract together. OMG! This just got real!! I am so excited!


  1. One big happy rollercoaster ride...enjoy ♥

  2. awwwe thank you so much!! I appreciate your support <3 <3 <3
