Friday, April 25, 2014

Pre-transfer Excitement!!

Guess WHAT!! :-)  :-)  yaaaayyy I am sooo happy!! I was putting away my clothes, and guess what I found at the bottom of my jammie drawer!!  My special necklace, that was given to me from my 1st IPs!!! The charm is a little horseshoe with a 4 leaf clover!! 
Aint it the cutest!?!?! I love it so much!! I took it off at Christmas time because my daughter had given me a necklace for Christmas. I forgot where I had put it. Now what else could possibly bring me more good luck than that! OMG I am soooo excited that I found it! Last minute, and by total accident! YAAAAYYYY!!! Of course immediately I put it on! On total countdown now: T minus 4 hours to go!!

I already went to the library and picked up a couple books to keep me entertained over the next few days. I still have to stop at the dollar store to pick up a couple HPTs :-) I know they are only $1 and you may think they are too cheap to work, but they have told me for the past 10 years whether I was preggers or not, correctly every time! Including when pregnant with my daughter, who is 10 and my surro-son who will be 3 in 2 days!! 

Which just got me to thinking...this is definately going to be a great good luck cycle! My son was born in the year of the horse and his birthday was April 18th. My surro-sons bday is in 2 days. This month was Easter. This journey process has happened incredibly quickly with barely any bumps in the road. I even was able to meet my IPs before they left the States. I found my necklace.We are transferring 2 embies. I have such great confidence in this transfer! I truly feel God is just clearing the path for us!! 

Lots of Love.....
and Sticky Baby Dust!!!

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