Friday, April 25, 2014

Pre-transfer thoughts

As I am laying here in bed, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow, my mind is passing over many things. Im feeling a little sad. I asked my agency if they knew if my IPs would be attending the transfer with me and my boyfriend. (I thought they were going to be able to meet each other). Their answer: nope :-( They actually flew back to their country already.....wait, what??? They wont be joining me at the Drs office for the embryo transfer :-( That totally sucks!! I was under the impression they would be staying here in California thru the entire pregnancy. Actually, the agency informed me that they will be traveling back and forth until the baby is born. :-(  Also, since I sorta found out by accident, I felt even more sad that they didnt email me. Of course they arent obligated to email me these things :-( Im a little at fault too because I havent emailed them either....Tomorrow after the transfer, that will be the very first thing that I do!! The transfer will be an ice breaker. We really bonded over lunch, but sometimes, theres still a little bit of awkward feelings to be the first one to text or email. Well, tomorrow, I will stop feeling awkward and just get over it. Afterall, I will be having 2 of their little embies inside me ;-)

 I cant remember if I posted on here, but there will be a transfer of 2 embies: one fresh and one frozen. And of course I will post after the transfer!!

Which brings me to my next thought. What am I going to wear?? As in what type of clothes? I was trying to think a little logically, so Im wondering if a dress would be a best type of choice. Im not sure how this doctors office does things. Do I have to change into a gown? Do I get to keep my socks on? Would I keep my top on and undress from the waist down? Im not sure. I didnt really think to ask these things until right now. My only instructions were to come 30 minutes prior to my appointment. They didnt even mention about drinking enough water for the ultrasound to work. During an IVF transfer, the doctor usually has an ultrasound tech use a trans-abdominal ultrasound. For this to work, the patient (me) needs to have a full bladder. All these questions will be answered is about 12 hours :-)

What else is floating around in my busy brain? good luck charms
I dont remember exactly what I wore for my transfer during my first surro-journey. However, I wish I had paid more attention back then, because I had such great luck!! 1 embie = 1 pregnancy = 1 beautiful healthy lil baby boy. I dont have any lucky pairs of socks, but I do have a 4 leaf clover. So, Ill be carrying that in my pocket. Only other good luck charms that I have, is God. I know he is watching over this journey, and with His Blessings, these lovely 2 people will finally have a baby together!!

The next thing is the 2ww. (two week wait) OMG it is the LONGEST 2 weeks everrrrr!!! After the transfer, we surromoms have to wait about two weeks to get a blood test done to confirm a pregnancy. The test is referred to as the beta hCG test. During the 2ww, there are alot of POAS's (Peeing On A Stick-as in home pregnancy tests) Every day that passes, is nerve wracking, wondering and thinking and hoping and praying. My first journey, I felt so incredibly dumb. I poas every single morning. Every time, it was negative. I didnt get sad or worried. I stayed positive and hopeful. Then one day, I realized I wasnt doing the test right. ughhhh How dumb can a mother of 3 be, like really?? How hard is it to pee on a stick, wait, and read? Well apparently, its the waiting part that was hard for me lol.  I wasnt waiting long enough to read the results, so everyday could have been a positive HPT(Home Pregnancy Test), Siiigh....yupp thats me hahahaha well now I have learned my lesson! I cant wait to POAS again ;-)

So for now, thats all thats hindering my tranquility. Now that its all typed out, maybe I can get some sleep. YAAAYY!! Still so very excited!!!! :-)

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