Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Monitoring Appt #2

This monitoring appointment wasnt as exciting as the last one.  Actually the most exciting thing that happened was trying to get to the appointment on time. I definitely miscalculated the morning rush hour traffic. My GPS said 44 minutes, the appointment was for 7:30am, so I left at 625. I arrived at 735 :-/ oops....the office was fine with this, and you live and you learn. So, at least now I know for next time. Even though I was a couple minutes late, this appointment was very quick. I checked in, they took my blood, I had a lovely visit with Mr. Weenie Wand (AKA trans-vaginal ultrasound hahaha), and I checked out by 8:05am. Niiiice :-) Getting home, was just as much traffic though, womp womp......

I got home just in time to eat something and prepare for my phone consultation with my attorney. We reviewed the contract together and she answered all my questions. We finished up in 45 minutes, with her saying she will email me a copy of the contract-with the information that we fixed or added-in red and of course she will be forwarding all info to the IPs attorney.

**With a quick side note, I just wanted to say that it is out of respect for my IPs privacy that I havent been referring to them by name.

I had 3 phone calls and 1 email throughout the rest of my day.
1. from the agency. In their paperworks, I accidently skipped 2 small places where I was supposed to initial. I initialed, took a photo, and emailed it over to her.
2. from another contact of mine within the agency. She was following up about any information regarding the contract. I told her I had just had my phone consult a couple hours ago with the lawyer. She seemed very happy and said she will be reporting back to my IPs about this. Im sure they will be just as thrilled!
3. from my medical insurance contact. She just wanted to review the papers and cards that I have received in the mail.
1. The doctor reviewed my bloodwork and ultrasound results and gave me my updated treatment plan. Good news: no new meds. My levels all look good, so I am to continue the Estrace pills 2x a day. My next monitoring appt is set for Saturday morning, April 19. This will be my Cycle Day 11.

So, now we are going day by day regarding the contracts. My adjustments will have to be approved from the IPs. If they request any adjustments, it will again come back to me for approval. Once we each give final approval, the attorney will have us sign and notarize the final draft of the contract.

At this point, I am feeling excited and at the same time, calm and confident. I dont feel as worried as I did before. Things are almost completed and set up for the Embryo Transfer to be done on time.

 I also just received an email from the doctors office saying that I do not need to do bedrest after the transfer. Only take it easy and no heavy lifting. I guess every doctors office is different. With my first journey, the doctor said 3 days. I have my own requirements. I have already spoken with my family. I will be doing 3 days of 99% bedrest-only get up to go to the bathroom. and 4 more days of 75% bedrest. This is what I did the last time. We had 1 embryo transferred and I was pregnant. So, I will be repeating this. I want to do everything I can to help this little embie stick.

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