Thursday, April 10, 2014

Monitoring Appt....

With a few extra SURPRISES along the way!!

First things first. At the monitoring appointment, I figured there would be an ultrasound. I didnt expect more blood work tho. SURPRISE! Apparently, there will be blood work done every monitoring appt lol. Luckily it was only 1 vial. They check the hormone levels. Todays appointment was for them to get a baseline. The ultrasound went fine except, as I mentioned in my last post, today is Cycle Day 2, which means my 2nd day of my period. I have never felt as uncomfortable as today. Sitting naked from the waist down and waiting for the ultrasound tech to come in. Ugghhh poor lady, I would NOT want her job lol.

Anyways, after the ultrasound and blood was completed, I was asked to wait in the waiting room to speak with the nurse. The nurse called me back and said she is going to be giving me all my medicines. SURPRISE! I was confused at first because I was under the impression that this would be a natural IVF = no meds. She was nice and explained, they are just giving me allll the medication that I might possibly need. That way, if I need it, I will have it. She reassured me, we will be going as natural as possible. So thats good. I have 3 different meds that are injections, 3 that are in the pill form, and 1 that is a vaginal suppository, as in ummmm that goes where lol. Definitely didnt have to do that the last time. I will post the names of them if and when I am instructed to take them.

The nurse then informed me that SURPRISE!!! My IPs actually are on their way because she has a monitoring appointment as well!! She asked me if I wanted to hang out a little and I could meet them in person and speak together with them and the doctor!!! OMG What an awesome surprise!!!! I was soooo excited! Of course I will wait for them!!!

As if that weren't enough, are you ready to hear the next SURPRISE?! While I was waiting for them, I received an email from my attorney with my contract attached for review!!! YAAAYYYY I realllly think we are on the right track towards a transfer this month!!  I have a phone consultation with the attorney to review my contract on Tuesday.

Also on Tuesday, I have my next monitoring appointment. I am to start taking Estrace pills 2mg, twice a day starting tomorrow. I had received an email from the doctors office later in the afternoon with those directions. I was also told to discontinue my birth control pills = Safe Sex Only lol. So we are well on our way.

After my IM (Intended Mother) was finished with her appointment, we all went together to lunch. They are so sweet!! I had a great time. We spent 3 hours together. I am sure they will be super supportive throughout the pregnancy! I look forward to a wonderful journey together. We all had a nice time, I smiled my whole way home. In fact, I am still smiling :-) I feel a bond with them already.

I know deep in my heart this is the exact couple God intended me to help out! I was the one who wanted to help out that other couple back in January. But I believe Gods plan was for me to help them in a different way. I believe God helped me lead that couple to the IVF doctor in Thousand Oaks, so that he could help them. I believe Gods plan was for me to help complete THIS couple's family.

After a we finished eating, we exchanged emails and cell numbers, hugged, and parted ways.
When I got home, I immediately got started on the contract. 35 pages, and I read each one ever so carefully. Luckily, most of it is very similar to my other contract that I used for my 1st journey. Even so, it still took me a few hours to go thru it all. I am pleased to say there isnt anything major that needs changing. Most of it is minor things that need to be added. For example it mentions about loss of uterus, but nothing about any other reproductive organs. It also mentions that I cant take any medicine including over the counter, unless approved by the IVF or OBGYN (for later in pregnancy). This is technically a minor problem because what happens if I have a headache, or start coughing. I will email the doctors office to check if they might have a list of pre-approved meds that I would be allowed to take. Like I said, very minor things. I am sure we will have the contract signed quickly, I just hope it is quick enough. We need to have it signed before my body is ready for that hCG trigger shot.

Tuesday(April 15) at 730am is my next monitoring appt and at 1030 is my phone consultation for the lawyer to answer any questions I have about the contract. I was thinking to email the attorney tomorrow with my few minor concerns. That way maybe she can speak with my IPs attorney about it before Tuesday.

One last SURPRISE! One of the Surrogate Mothers that I have been emailing with, just got a positive pregnancy blood test!!! Congrats GKGH!!! Today was just a great day!!

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