Sunday, April 27, 2014

2dp5dt=2 days post 5 day transfer

First Id like to say Happy 3rd Birthday to my Surro-son: N!!! <3 <3 <3

Our Embryo Transfer was done on Friday 4-25-14!!! HOORAY!!

1st I will start off with a little sad news. My IPs left back to their country. So they werent able to attend the transfer appointment. :-( My boyfriend came with me tho to be supportive and of course to drive me home. I am slowly realizing that each fertility clinic does things their own way. For my first Journey, my IPs were allowed in the transfer room. At this clinic, noone was allowed back except me, so now I understand why the parents left. But my agency did tell me that my IPs plan to go back and forth throughout my pregnancy. So, when they are here, they would like to go with me to all drs appointments! That will be so great! I definitely look forward to that.

The next little bit of sad news. It was supposed to be 2 embryos-1 frozen and 1 fresh. Unfortunately, the doctor informed me at the transfer, that the fresh one stopped growing :-( poor little embie. But the doctor also stated that the frozen embie is strong and already starting to hatch. It is a 5 day old embryo, that is ready for implantation! YAY!! My uterus lining thickness was 10.9, so my body is completely ready for the lil embie! Heres a photo of what a hatching embryo looks like:

The transfer itself went great! On one side of me was a tv screen that showed the embryo under a magnifying glass. I watched the embryologist suck it up into the catheter, and then on the ultrasound screen I saw the doctor insert it into my uterus. He wished me good luck and the nurses helped me up off the table to the other room to lie down for 30 minutes. I had brought my book, so that was the fastest 30 minutes ever lol. The nurse informed me to continue all my current medicines and dosages except for the Crinone-vaginal suppository. I am to discontinue one of them per day. Thank you God! After that they set 2 appointments for me. 1 is tomorrow (4-28-14 = 3dp5dt) to check my progesterone levels. The other appointment is to check my Beta #s-to see if Im pregnant!! That appointment is next Monday!! CINCO DE MAYO!!! (10dp5dt) :-) I am sooooo excited for that day!! As for tomorrow,  Id love it if I could discontinue the Crinone altogether, hahaha. Id rather continue the shots than deal with the nasty suppositories. And speaking of shots....

The PIO injections are going pretty well, all things considered of course. The first injection did give me a little trouble. After I took the needle out, a little oil came out of the wound and got on my skin. I now have one itchy welt in that spot. :-( I learned my lesson quickly. Now after I take out the needle, I wipe my skin with an alcohol pad and then put on the bandaid. No more welts, except that first one. So thats good.

April 22nd was the last time I took the oral Progesterone. I am pretty sure thats what was causing my bloated-ness. I am still a little bloated in the stomach area, however, it seems like every day its getting less and less. So far I am not experiencing any other side effects.

A few other things for this embryo transfer were a little different than in my experience. I didnt have to take any medicine prior to the transfer. Before, I was given Demerol to help me relax. However, after the transfer, that medicine knocked me out for like 6 hours! Thankfully, I had my IPs with me to help take care of me! :-)  So I was definitely pleased to hear no meds this time.
Also, no mandatory bedrest. Simply one day of rest. With only one embryo (same as with TNT), I decided to do the same rest as I did for them. 3 days of strict bed rest, and 4 more of mostly bed rest. It worked before, Im sure itll work again! :-)

Today I also watched Baby Mama. I loved that movie when it first came out, and I still love it! Although, most of it is NOT how things go in real life, its fun to watch and laugh. I watched it with T n T before we had our transfer. So I thought it might give me some good luck with this transfer.

I decided that I will be doing home pregnancy tests (HPT) starting Wednesday. I will be 5dp5dt. I found this informative little graph:

5-Day Transfer

Days Past
Transfer (DPT)
Embryo Development
OneThe blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell
TwoThe blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
ThreeThe blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation
FourImplantation continues
FiveImplantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop
SixHuman chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream
SevenFetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
EightFetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
NineLevels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy

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